Saturday, March 8, 2008

The technical aspect of iLikeMixin is quite messy, and we haven't quite achieved our goal of mashing up two MP3s and producing one MP3, but came close in this beta version.

Of the two server-side technologies available on the GoDaddy servers (PHP and JSP), obviously PHP is a poor choice for manipulating MP3s or PCM streams. However, there is no pure-Java library for encoding MP3s, and the one or two libraries that appear to be able to decode MP3s are poorly documented (read: exactly 0 documentation) and lack examples. We had to settle on just using uncompressed wave files for this release.

Another interesting hurdle was the Tomcat permissions on GoDaddy's servers. JSPs don't have write access to the filesystem and don't have read access to remote webservers, so we used PHP to get input files and JSP to manipulate them and return an output back to the user.

Stay tuned, as we will be looking into options for MP3 support soon!

Posted by Posted by David at 6:14 PM


